Autumn in the Garden with Natives R Us Plant Nursery in Traveston Qld

Autumn Gardening at Natives R Us Traveston Native Plant Nursery Sunshine Coast Retail Native Plants Gympie Natives Noosa

Autumn in the Garden with Natives R Us Plant Nursery in Traveston Qld

Autumn is our favourite time of the year to get in the garden!

And it is the best time to plant!

It is usually Spring when we feel the excitement and inspiration to get in the garden and plant. Shrubs and trees are flowering all around us and we are surrounded by beautiful, bold colours and brilliant, new growth.

However, all these gorgeous plants are not looking lush and spectacular because they were just planted, they are looking so incredible because they are already established. They are already settled in and eager to grow in the new warmer Spring air. So, the secret to a spectacular Spring garden is not an extreme garden plant-out in Spring, it is in fact, to plant now! In Autumn!

Autumn weather offers the best temperature to help reduce transplant shock and provides the optimal conditions for root establishment. The growth above ground may not be very obvious, but the growth underground is happening without us noticing. It is this underground growth that is most important.

Plus, we have several months ahead of great growing weather, along with seasonal Autumn rain, which gives your new plants the best opportunity to settle in before Spring. By the time the warm Spring weather arrives, your new plants will already have an established and strong root system which in turn creates stronger and healthier plants.

So, for the best looking native plant garden around, pop in see us at Natives ‘R’ Us Nursery, have a chat with our friendly staff, we would love to help your Autumn in the Garden.

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