Fertilising Australian Native Plants: Tips for a Healthy Garden

Fertilising Australian Native Plants Tips for a Healthy Garden - - Natives R Us Traveston Native Plant Nursery

Fertilising Australian Native Plants:

Australian native plants are well adapted to the harsh, dry conditions of the country’s landscape.

They have evolved to survive in nutrient-poor soils and require less fertilisation than many other plants.

However, if you want to see your native garden flourish, it’s important to know how to fertilise these plants properly. Here are some tips on how to fertilise Australian native plants for optimal growth and health.

  1. Understanding Australian Native Plants’ Nutrient Requirements

Before you begin fertilising your native plants, it’s important to understand their nutrient requirements. Unlike many other plants, Australian natives are adapted to low-nutrient soils. They prefer soils with low to moderate levels of phosphorus, as high levels can be detrimental to their growth. In fact, many native plants have adapted to low phosphorus levels by developing specialised root systems that can absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Native plants also require a balance of other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium, and trace elements. Nitrogen is particularly important for promoting leafy growth, while potassium promotes flowering and fruiting. Trace elements, such as iron and zinc, are required in smaller amounts but are essential for overall plant health.

  1. Choosing the Right Fertiliser

When it comes to fertilising native plants, it’s important to choose the right type of fertiliser. Many commercial fertilisers contain high levels of phosphorus, which can be harmful to native plants. Instead, look for a fertiliser that has low or no phosphorus and a balanced ratio of nitrogen and potassium. Be sure to use a fertiliser that is labelled or branded for Native plants for your best bet.

Organic fertilisers, such as compost and seaweed extract, are also great options for native plants. They release nutrients slowly and improve soil structure, promoting healthy root growth.

  1. Applying Fertiliser

When applying fertiliser to native plants, it’s important to do so sparingly. Native plants are adapted to nutrient-poor soils, and too much fertiliser can cause them to grow too quickly, making them more susceptible to disease and pest problems.

Apply fertiliser to the soil around the plant, rather than directly to the base. This allows the plant to absorb the nutrients through its roots. Water the fertiliser in well after applying it, to help distribute the nutrients evenly throughout the soil.

  1. Timing and Frequency

The timing and frequency of fertiliser application will depend on the type of plant and the fertiliser used. Generally, it’s best to fertilise native plants in the spring and summer, when they’re actively growing. Also, be sure to fertilise new plants at time of planting to give them a good start.

As for frequency, less is often more when it comes to fertilising native plants. I like to throw an organic fertiliser around all my gardens several times of the year, the beginning of each season or prior to rainfall is usually how I remember, constantly adding and replacing valuable nutrients and elements to the garden soil is important as the plants are constantly taking nourishment from the soil.

Other Tips for Healthy Native Plants

In addition to fertilising, there are a few other things you can do to promote healthy native plants. These include:

  • Watering: Native plants are adapted to dry conditions, but they still require regular watering, especially during hot, dry periods. Water deeply and infrequently, rather than frequent shallow watering, to promote deep root growth.
  • Mulching: Mulch around the base of native plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. A layer of organic mulch, such as bark chips or straw, can also help to improve soil structure over time.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning can help to promote healthy growth and flowering in native plants. Prune back dead or damaged branches and remove any growth that’s overcrowding the plant.

Fertilising Australian native plants is an important part of maintaining healthy and vibrant plants. By understanding your soil, choosing the right fertiliser, fertilising at the right time, and using the correct application methods, you can ensure that your native plants thrive in their environment.

For more information about fertilising Australian native plants, pop in and see us, we would love to help you.

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