Pruning Grevilleas with Natives R Us Plant Nursery Servicing Gympie & Sunshine Coast

Pruning Grevilleas with Natives R Us Plant Nursery in Gympie & Sunshine Coast

Pruning Grevilleas with Natives R Us Plant Nursery Servicing Gympie & Sunshine Coast

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Do Grevilleas like to be pruned?” And the answer is always, Yes! They love it.

Contrary to popular belief, native plants do well from a good prune at least once a year. However, it is the time of year that is important to get right to ensure you achieve the best result when Pruning Grevilleas.

The best time to prune your Grevilleas is mid-spring (October) NOW! You can prune Grevilleas at other times, but if you prune in Autumn, you will be cutting off all the flower buds which would normally open in Winter. And if you prune in Summer, your Grevillea plant will only have a very limited growing time before it goes into flower mode.  Which means that your Grevillea will not be as full and lush with foliage before it starts to flower, which also means less flowers.

Your Grevilleas may still be flowering in Spring and it maybe a little heart-breaking to cut off the beautiful flowers that you have been admiring these past few months, however, I assure you, you will be richly rewarded come next flowering season, (Winter).

Another reason for Pruning Grevilleas in Spring is that the plant is moving into the active growing stage. Once pruned, your Grevilleas will recover quite quickly, produce loads of healthy new shoots and you will have an abundance of new flowers in no time.

Young Grevilleas respond well to tip-pruning. I love teaching this trick because it is just so easy and makes the world of difference in creating a much more attractive plant. It is as simple as pinching the small tips out from each branch using your finger and thumb. I like to do this every couple of weeks at this time of year. Alternatively, you can use your secateurs and trim 5-10cm off the growing tips. By performing this quick, little trick, it will encourage loads of new growth and create a bushier habit, which not only looks more appealing, the little birds will love you for it.

Older and larger Grevilleas can get leggy and top-heavy. To give them a new lease on life, they can be pruned back as much as two-thirds. This will promote a wonderful flush of fresh, soft new growth as well as bring your flowers back to eye-level for you to enjoy even more next year. A pruning saw is great to use for this job or alternatively, my favourite tool in my garden shed is my reciprocating saw. It is so easy to use and gets the job done in no time.

Also, another good tip when pruning Grevilleas, is to trim back any branches facing inwards or cross over. This will open up the plant and create airflow, which Grevilleas need to flourish.
Most of all … take time and enjoy Pruning Grevilleas.

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