A small shrub grown for its attractive, mauve/violet flowers. The unusual flowers are complemented by grey-green leaves. H. to 1m W. to 1m
Melaleuca thymifolia ‘Thyme Leaf Honey Myrtle’
A small shrub grown for its attractive, mauve/violet flowers. The unusual flowers are complemented by grey-green leaves. H. to 1m W. to 1m
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Medium sized shrub with prolific red flowers from winter to summer. Great screening or hedging plant attracting nectar feeding birds. 2-3m H x 2-4m W.
An attractive, bushy shrub which has glossy dark green leaves, with its special feature being the almost constant new growth flush of deep 'flame' red. Full sun. H. 2m W:1m
A lovely small shrub with pink, fluffy flowers which look like pink fairy floss are
Extremely bushy, rounded Lilly Pilly with glossy mid-green foliage topped off with brilliant red new growth changing to bronze as it ages. H. 2 to 2.5m W. 1.5 to 2m
An upright shrub with silvery new growth producing a profusion of beautiful large pale pink flower brushes throughout most of the year. H. 3m
A fast-growing, neat, large shrub to small tree with a paperbark trunk. It is smothered with deep pink, aging to red bottlebrush flowers in Spring & Autumn. H.3.5m W 1.5m
Very fast growing, thick habit and lush, shiny foliage. Can be kept pruned at 1m or let it grow to 3m for privacy. Bird attracting. Psyllid free. Super fast growing.
Stunning, deep red new growth throughout the year and produces masses of white flowers in Spring. Screening, hedging or specimen tree. Bird attracting. H. 3m
A delightful, weeping shrub bearing attractive creamy-white bottlebrush flowers for most of the year. Bird attracting. H. to 3m
A fast-growing, dense lilly pilly ideal for creating a hedge. It can be kept at 1.5m or alternatively used as a screen up to 4m.
A neat, round, bushy shrub with flushes of pink new growth. Prolific clusters of fluffy white flowers appear in Spring, followed by purple edible berries. H:2m W:1.5m
A medium-sized shrub with red foliage, producing a profusion of attractive, vibrant burgundy, double flowers during Winter & Spring. Hedging. Bird attracting. H:2m